Westside Services provides a live, customised Client Management Portal in the cloud.
Using this robust tool, you can visually manage all aspects of your business, from job pending, in-progress, completed and invoiced to job reports, quotations, WH&S obligations, accounts and more.
It also allows you the ability to book a job online and manage your employee’s portal login requirements.
Our Client Management Portal is user-based. This means that a building FM can view just their sites and information, while a Director can see multiple buildings or an entire state.
Other benefits include:
Viewing of unpaid & paid invoices
Statement of account
Listing of maintained sites under the contract.
Ability to update Company details & contacts, as well as add new contacts to the portal.
Asset Management
View, print and download available documents such as SWMS, Pre-work audits (QA)
Online Quotation Approval
Click here to access our Client Management Portal
Click here to access the guide for the Client Management Portal